The Legion Warming House is closed today, Feb. 12 due to the low temperatures.

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Mandan Park District Phone Application

Welcome to Mandan Park District’s app, your ultimate hub for registration, facility reservations, membership scan ins and alerts! Click here to download the app or scan the QR code below! Three things the Mandan Park District App highlights are: Enroll…

2025 Open Gym Dates

Open gym is held at the Pepsi All Seasons Arena, located at 905 9th St. NW, from 12:30pm-3pm on the following dates. February – 9, 23 March – 2, 9, 16

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Mandan Parks & Recreation

Mandan Parks & Recreation offers indoor and outdoor activities, programs and classes for all ages. This includes recreational activities like basketball, volleyball, baseball and softball, swimming lessons, track, tennis, kickball and many more. Mandan Parks & Recreation also offers programs, classes including school age care programs, art classes and more.

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The Mandan Parks MISSION is to preserve and provide recreational opportunities for all ages and abilities, while improving the quality of life for the citizens of Mandan and its visitors.