Park Board
Board of Park Commissioners meet the second Monday of each month at 5:30pm at the Mandan City Hall.
Meetings can also be viewed live on Dakota Media Access’s website, dakotamediaaccess.org/watch-live-2/
Meetings can also be viewed on demand after the original meeting date.
Please visit dakotamediaaccess.org for details.
There are five board members. To contact the park board please send an email to parkboard@mandanparks.com. This email will go to all board members.
Board of Park Commissioners
Wade Meschke
Term Ends 2028 Portfolio: Public Relations, Finance, Human Resources, and Audit
Miles Mehlhoff
Vice President
Term Ends 2026 Portfolio: Starion Sports Complex, Raging Rivers/Aquatic Center, Tennis Center, All Seasons Arena, Field Scheduling, User Group relations, and Joint Powers Agreement with MPS
Jennifer Froehlich
Term Ends 2028 Portfolio: Maintenance responsibilities of greenspace/trails, sports fields, DCP, ASA, MTC and Joint Powers Agreement with MPS
Stan Scott
Term Ends 2026 Portfolio: PW & Municipal programming and operations.
Layn Mudder
Term Ends 2026 Portfolio: Youth & Adult Programs and Marketing and Park District representative at City of Mandan P & Z for future developments
Public Communication
A scheduled time for public participation has been placed on the agenda at Mandan Park Board general meetings. The Board desires to hear the viewpoints of citizens throughout the district. Individuals wishing to address the Board are requested to make arrangements with the Board President or the Director prior to the meeting. Comments should be made to the Board and not to individuals in the audience and be related to Park District operations and programs. The Board will not hear personal complaints against any person connected with the park district. Comments must address topics that are on the agenda. If a citizen would like to add a topic to the park board agenda, arrangements must be made in advance with the Director or Park Board President. The Board reserves the right to eliminate or restrict the time allowed for public participation. The Board requests that comments are limited to three (3) minutes or less. Groups of individuals addressing a common concern are asked to designate a spokesperson.