Your gift to the Mandan Parks and Recreation Foundation will have a lasting impact of the quality of life in Mandan. We provide every option for you to make a donation gift in an easy, efficient manner.
Donate today by choosing from one of our three convenient ways we make it easy for you to help sustain parks, places and play! With each gift given, we will provide you with an Income Tax Receipt for your individual, family, business or corporate taxes.
Donate by check
- Make checks payable to: Mandan Parks and Recreation Foundation
- Mail checks to: 2600 46th Ave. SE, Mandan, ND 58554
Donate using a credit card
- https://secure.anedot.com/mandan-parks-and-recreation-foundation/donate
- When visiting our online payment platform, please select which campaign you’d like your donation to benefit
Donate using an automatic withdraw from your checking our savings account
- We would need a deposit slip or voided check. Payments can be set up annually or monthly.
Give tomorrow by creating a simple legacy gift by making a specific percentage or residual designation to the Mandan Parks and Recreation Foundation in your will or trust, or as a beneficiary of your retirement fund or life insurance policy. We will gladly work with you and your financial advisory to create a plan that meets your financial and charitable goals.
Donate with an endowment. Your endowment would be invested to provide long-term support. Donor would choose if they want their endowment restricted or unrestricted. Email Kelly at kthomas@madanparks.com or call her at 751–0692 for more information.